The bicycle repair shop (=”Fahrradwerkstatt”) is a project were the residents of the air-dome can work side by side with people from the “Helferkreis”. The goal of this workshop is to fix up bicycles on a small budget and thus make it affordable for refugees to buy a bike in the end.

FahrradwerkstattSo how about riding your own bicycle! This is your chance to get your own bicycle for a low price or even just to have fun working together with Johannes Groha and others from the “Helferkreis” team to repair the bikes for the next sale.

The team meets weekly:

Tuesday from 9:30am – 11:00am for bicycle repair and sale

and by demand optional in addition on:
Thursday from 9:00am – 11:00am for bicycle repair

Location of the bike repair shop:

In the basement of the Ritter Hilprand Hof

So if you are interested in fixing up bicycles or just want to buy a bicycle for yourself, please feel free to just drop by at the Ritter Hilrand Hof during the meeting hours of the team which are listed above.

Bicycle repair shop

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